A Blog?

Hello! Welcome to my blog!

(I know! A blog?! Didn’t they expire in like 2010?)

If you didn’t know already, my name is Charlotte and I run a little positivity twitter account called ‘dailyvirtualhug’. Maybe you’ve seen my tweets, or maybe you’re a follower (hello and thank you!) I may have also popped up in your notifications a couple of times with a like or a reply (in which case, hello again, and thank you for stopping by!)

Regretfully, and this is an elephant in the room I am about to address, I have abandoned it for a very long time. In fact, I abandon most projects I start. I have a long list of lost projects that I have always wanted to carry through, including the growth of this account, but then life does its thing and it happens.

Daily Virtual Hug was created the day I turned 16.

I’ve done a lot of growing up since then.

From leaving school and going to college to graduating with an actual degree, a lot has happened in the 4 and a bit years since. And I guess, this positivity account aimed to spread the good stuff hasn’t really grown up with me.

Helping to spread positivity one hug at a time.

– dailyvirtualhug on Twitter.

When I look at those years through certain frames, my 16-year-old self couldn’t seem further away. A lot has happened… and after what I’ve put her through, I wouldn’t be surprised if she got tired of my shit and packed her bags.

But when I look at those 5 years through Daily Virtual Hug, there she is… so much closer than I ever thought. And she reminds me of things that I’ve forgotten with that stubborn optimism she held. She believed in that ‘happily ever after’.

If you’re not where you want to be, it’s because it’s not over. Just like in the movies”

I find myself scrolling back often, in awe of the time capsule I had unintentionally made, giving future versions of me access to my thoughts back then.

And the thing is – I’ve never been done with spreading positivity… I’m just different now. Positivity has a whole new meaning to me now. (Blog post idea!💡) That’s what I want Daily Virtual Hug to reflect.

Just to catch 16-year-old me up on the present in case she ever finds herself hitching a ride inside a DeLorean anytime soon: the world’s in flames. (In a metaphorical sense, by the way. I’m not writing this from space)

First of all, ✨ We’re in a global pandemic! ✨

Second of all, it’s Saturday.

And starting today, there’s going to be some changes.

When I created Daily Virtual Hug, it was to spread positivity as well as soak myself in it when the world outside my phone screen didn’t feel so great to me. 16-year-old me will definitely gasp at the fact that I haven’t been hugged by somebody who isn’t my mum or dad for a very long time.

So, you know, I could really use a virtual hug right now… or two. I’m sure that you could too. (If you don’t like hugs, a virtual pat on the back?)

I really want to go back to giving that. The impact I knew I was making when seeing people tag their friends in my affirming posts… That was healing in itself. Seeing human kindness in my very mentions warmed my soul.

I’m still going to be figuring out a lot of things in the next few days, but here is my first new beginning! A blog! I’m, of course, not deserting the Twitter…. it’s just that sometimes… 280 characters doesn’t do the trick.

Thank you so much for the 4,020 people that, somehow, have stuck by me. A lot of you probably forgot I exist, in which case, thank you for something you didn’t even realise you had done (also, don’t unfollow me now!)

I’m really excited to get back into speaking my inner truth, addressing experiences that aren’t spoken about enough relating to mental health and wellbeing, and giving you all those daily virtual hugs you’ve been missing.

You are enough, a thousand times enough.

Charlotte x

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